Voltige condo project in Montreal | Video

Society Développement Immobilier – the new business for the Elie Cheaib family, founders of Adonis grocery stores – officially launches VOLTIGE, an integrated real estate project in the Ahuntsic- Cartierville neighbourhood. VOLTIGE consists of 5 distinct towers – from 12 to 26 floors – offering more than 800 residences (condominiums for purchase and rent), and commercial and office space. The overall investment is valued at $200 million.

Taking full advantage of the potential of the neighbourhood, which is based on the principles of transit-oriented development (TOD), this new project will be strategically located at the corner of Sauvé and l’Acadie streets. At the centre of the development will be a 35,000 sq ft park, which will be developed and then ceded to the City of Montréal.

In this video report, Paula Cheaib and Pierre Collin.

Reporter: Martin Rego. Camera-director: Émile Rizk.

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Voltige condo project in Montreal | Video

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